An Appropriate ... A Note from the Universe

Should you choose to go, do, and be, at the end of your life, shocked and dismayed, you'll likely exclaim that because of all the uncanny events, wild timing, weird coincidences, and sheer chance encounters, all of your life's good fortune must have been your destiny.

Or, should you choose to wait, wish, and hope, at the end of your life, shocked and dismayed, you'll likely exclaim that because of all the uncanny events, wild timing, weird coincidences, and sheer chance encounters, all of your life's bad luck must have been your destiny.

Do you see what the difference is?

It ain't me,
    The Universe

We're still soaring with joy over the release of Infinite Possibilities!

"Mike Dooley has tapped into a reservoir of wisdom that most of us swim in but fail to notice... He's thought it through from beginning to end and it shows in this stellar book." - Dr. Susan Corso, The Huffington Post

Mike's "Magnum Opus" on the nature of reality! 34% off at Amazon!

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If you're looking for the All That Seems Random Fridays head over to ItyBytes. I'm still working on the place but you're more than welcome to come on in.

Hey It's Friday and All That Seems Random is Waiting

Where I stop being a narcissist blogger. I reveal the true reason I did the experiment. I reveal the experiment.

And you get help at the end. If you want it or need it.

Where is all that happening?

The place where we all admit how technically ungifted we are.

Two Deer, Right Brains & Reiki | All That Seems Random Fridays # 25

Wow, it's Friday again Saturday morning and I was moving blog homes, which means it's time for All That Seems Random Fridays, where we share how aware (or not) we are of the events, people and opportunities the universe has presented to us based on our focus and desires. Because we need to CELEBRATE them.

Speaking of celebrating, you can do that with me starting Saturday November 14th going all the way through the next All That Seems Random Friday on November 20th.

This is a free form party and I'm allowing inspired intent to guide me. We'll see where we end up and of course there will be gifts. For YOU!

Two deer cross a road.


Yeah, I thought it was a joke too, only two deer did cross the road and it was one of the most random things EVER for me. See I grew up on this road. Biked it. Walked it. Ran it. Sat quietly on it's shoulders watching nature creep up to it's edges.

Twenty-one years living, knowing this road and never, ever, not once a deer. I've explored the woods beyond the road, day after day in my youth and even now in my later youth and again, no deer.

So for two deer to cross the road now means something.

And according to Animal Speaks,

deer signal gentleness and innocence. A gentle luring to new adventure is about to begin or has begun.

Somehow that leads me to my right brain, the random, intuitive, holistic, synthesizing, subjective, looking at the whole part right brain. The one which controls the left side of my body. The very side of my body experiencing all the pain.

And I feel I'm being completely hypocritical thinking or even talking about being intuitive, holistic, synthesizing, subjective, looking at the whole.

Why? Because I'm a detail freak. No, maybe not a freak but I do like to get lost in the details. Details are fun. They are intriguing in their own right. They pull all of the larger pieces together, if you know what those larger pieces are.

They are important, especially to businesses being built on connection, empathy and compassion, which also want to use technology. And it makes me wonder if what you tell me is true, when I look at your details.

For instance, you capture my attention with your spoken words. You suggest I subscribe to your newsletter or download your special report.

Yet when I do, do you continue the conversation with me on the page you send me to after I click 'submit' or 'gimme' or whatever you've put on the button?

Oh no, you walk away, leaving a generic message speaking for you.

At first, I give you the benefit of the doubt, but I'm watching, carefully because I want your actions to ring true with your words.

Oh, uhm, wait, way to get off track and go into rant mode on the All That Seems Random.

So what was I talking about? Yes, right brain intuitiveness and deer and the gentle heralding of something new and new for me is Reiki, Japanese energy work - a healing technique of sending life energy through the body by placing hands on or above the body in specific positions.

The deer and the Reiki happened on the same night. The awareness that the right brained controls the left side of the body happened the following day.

I'm not even sure where to go with that, so I'll leave it right where it is.

The intent and intuitively guided party starts tomorrow. Over at the new house of ItyBytes. Don't be put-off that there's no color on the walls yet.

All the furniture (previous posts and comments) have been moved in and situated. I haven't put my stamp of personality on it yet. I'm hoping to do that publicly.

As well as discuss details, systems and processes along with randomness, intuition and holism.

And then there are the notes found on the desk this week:

  • paraphrasing Paul Lemberg - "Your world, left to it's own devices, will self organize around you but it's not going to look the way you want it to." (He's talking about using your time wisely and this quote is paraphrased from the first video on the page.)

  • "There will be people only you can unlock." ~ Suzanne Evans ~

  • What memories are my right people likely to have, that color their perceptions of various symbols both explicit and implicit in my words? When were those symbols imprinted and what was the prevailing social norm then?

  • Do a SWOT and read the first 20 pages of Marketing School from Naomi Dunford. (It's not an affiliate link, I'm USING everything I can get my hands on about marketing from sources I trust and she's one of them.)

That's it for me, what random events, people and opportunities are showing up in your life, that aren't really random at all?



P.S. - Now about the party. I'm not certain yet what's going to happen during the party. If you really want to know, you have to show up in the new home of -----> ItyBytes <------ I'll see you there.

P.P.S. - And I'll post updates here, how about that?

Automatic Response Mechanism | All That Seems Random Fridays # 24

Wow, it's Friday again which means it's time for All That Seems Random Fridays, where we share how aware (or not) we are of the events, people and opportunities the universe has presented to us based on our focus and desires. Because we need to CELEBRATE them.

We're coming up on the 6 month & 1 missing week anniversary and I'm celebrating, just before Black Friday and just after Friday the 13th.

I'll talk more about the celebration in next weeks All That Seems Random and hope you'll be ready to party with me all week long starting on Saturday November 14th and going through Friday November 20th.

Now about that Automatic Response Mechanism or ARM for short.

If someone throws something your way, towards any part of your body, your ARM moves out to either capture it or deflect it away from you. If you believe it will be harmful or it's fully unexpected the ARM usually tries to deflect it. If you're expecting it or your reflexes have been trained to capture objects moving toward you, you grab for it.

Either way, it's a reflexive motion that you don't think about much before it occurs.

So I've been noticing the other 'reflexive' or 'automatic responses' I have this week.

One of the most insipid 'automatic responses' I noticed in myself this week is to always want to respond, with something, anything at all to break the silence, answer the question, ask another question, gain clarity, ease the tension, point out the obvious - you get it. I just can't stop myself.

I noticed this tendency as I sat with the pain in the butt. The one I held for almost a month, which went away in earnest and returned with a thankfully brief vengeance. Most of this week there was soreness, no pain.

The week was calm, easy, fairly relaxed. I did lots of talking out loud to no one in particular, asking questions and practicing my listening skills.

I also did some work - a little for myself and a little for clients.

Then last night, I got stressed. I'm still not sure what the stressor was but the pain came back.

This morning it lingers. Wafting in and out and I'm wondering how much of this pain is an automatic response mechanism, an ARM, or in my case a leg, which is trying to capture or deflect the expected and unexpected being tossed my way.

Because of this there were notes, not found on my desk this week.

Instead this week were uhm, 'sightings' and 'actions'.

Sightings (Having a digital camera would have helped me convey the sightings to you better but oh well, you'll just have to take my words.)
  • the almost indecipherable and abstract diagram on the top of the Advil bottle. My first thought about it was how perfect a stamp it would make
  • the sad, worried, shocked chicken face in the flower on the curtains in my office. I've named her Petunia Poultre
  • Mockingbirds everywhere I look
  •  Handing out my first business card
  • Getting more clarity on who I serve and how I serve them
  • Getting ready for a party (I've never thrown a party before)
So, that's it for me, what random events, people and opportunities are showing up in your life, that aren't really random at all?


All That Seems Random Fridays # 23 | Connections, Intentions, Actions

Wow, it's Friday again which means it's time for All That Seems Random Fridays, where we share how aware (or not) we are of the events, people and opportunities the universe has presented to us based on our focus and desires. Because we need to CELEBRATE them.

You may or may not have noticed that there was no All That Seems Random post last Friday. I intended to get it done and as the day wore on and the pain of left behind continued, I found I didn't want to...

pretend not to be in pain. Or
be in pain either.

What I wanted was that easy, carefree, unaware state of before. Before I became aware of connections, before I became careful in my actions (more fearful is really correct but who wants to admit they are fearful of taking action.

Careful about the way, the how, they why of any movements, trying to anticipate the expected outcome, the fear of the actual outcome and of missing expected outcome.

I didn't want any of it and the rejection of it, I believe is showing up as this physical manifestation of pain I am feeling. It started as a rejection of my feelings and my thoughts.

It amazes me. I remember many months ago, writing a story about this pain, the one I'm having now, still plaguing my transitions. I don't remember the gist of the story. I don't even remember if I wrote it down or if it was just one of the ones I held in my head.

I haven't looked through any of my writing journals. I don't want to. I don't want to confirm or deny the remembering.

I'm okay with that.

It's funny as I write this, I can feel my body actually responding to this letting go in text form. I feel the places I'm holding that tension.

It's not a good feeling and yet it is a good feeling, the awareness of it anyway. I wonder what joy and freedom feel like in my body. I wonder what else I'm holding onto, that I need to let go of. I intend to find out.

It would appear there aren't any notes to finish up with, so I'm going to go sit with my feelings - pain, tension, awareness and everything else.

That's it for me, what random events, people and opportunities are showing up in your life, that aren't really random at all?


All That Seems Random Fridays # 22 | Left Behind, Left Back

Wow, it's Friday again which means it's time for All That Seems Random Fridays, where we share how aware (or not) we are of the events, people and opportunities the universe has presented to us based on our focus and desires. Because we need to CELEBRATE them.

This week, whew hard, painful and productive, and did I mention painful?

The title of this weeks Randomness isn't some cheeky attempt at humor or subtle attempt  either. Literally, my left behind hurts, from my sitz bone all the way down to the soft spot behind the knee.

It's locking up and spasmodic and in general causing much pain when I transition from sitting to standing or vice versa.

Ahh transitions. Interesting things transitions. Merriam-Webster shows the word transition can be used two ways and offers four definitions -

Noun - 1 a : passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another : change b : a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another

Noun - 2 a : a musical modulation b : a musical passage leading from one section of a piece to another

Noun - 3
: an abrupt change in energy state or level (as of an atomic nucleus or a molecule) usually accompanied by loss or gain of a single quantum of energy

Intransitive Verb - to make a transition <transition into college>

So what transitions are happening in my life that I am finding painful? What patterns have I previously followed, that I'm repeating now?

Did I pull or strain something, literally, figuratively or metaphorically?

Is this the residual stuff that is always "left behind"?

After consulting Louise Hay's book " You Can Heal Your Life", she says:
- Buttocks represent power.
- Joints represent changes in life and the ease of these movements
- Legs carry us forward in life.
  - Leg Problems
     - Upper holding onto old childhood traumas.

See I've been trying to earn my living online and not seeing the success I feel I should be seeing. It's easy to give up. It's easy to call it a failure and walk away, if it didn't actually hurt to move from sitting to standing.

If I were smart, I wouldn't have made such a hasty transition from my job, that dreaded cubicle to online "not a millionaire yet" marketer.

I could have taken my time. I could have planned. I could have put systems in place, found what worked and then worked them hard and worked them good. I could have built my income to the levels I needed before leaving my job. I could have tested, tweaked, re-tested and now have a steady income from my online endeavors.

That's an excuse. Leaving my job hastily didn't stop me from doing those things. Not knowing to do them is what stopped me.

I didn't understand what was necessary, not really, to make money online. I'm almost ashamed to admit, I thought it was a matter of slapping up a site, putting some affiliate links on it and in would roll the money.

Fooled me.

Deb Owens said in her Newsletter, "If you've started a business and are surprised by how much you are faced with yourself, don't be. You're all there is now, so where you are in your life will directly affect your business. It's okay, it happens to all of us."

No, I didn't expect to meet myself, deal with old childhood trauma, face fear, feel shame, or make painful transitions.

However, what I have learned during the last two years is how to use the technical systems and automation tools to really make an online business hands off, without making it feel like a robot.

I'm certain my transitioning isn't done yet. I'm certain because I'm still breathing and changing.

As for notes on the desk this week:

  • FTC changes the rules for endorsements. Note: Clicking that link will open the text in pdf format of the Revised Endorsement and Testimonial Guides. So I'm supposed to give specifics for the typical user and be clear about any material relationship I have when suggesting, reviewing or discussing items, products & services. Damn I better only sell to aytpical users.
  • Educate, Empower, Entertain and Sale - creating value for the audience is key to making money with webinars (or pretty much anything else.) ~ Jim Edwards & Chris Zavadowski ~
  • "A lie is an attempt to influence another persons decisions with inaccurate data." ~ Paul Myers from "Idea Spot". Note: If you click the hyperlinked text up there and purchase the Power Creativity System, I make a small commission from the sale.
That's it for me, what random events, people and opportunities are showing up in your life, that aren't really random at all?
