Sometimes starting is hard. Yet, it's not really the starting that's hard, it's all the stuff that's going to come after the starting. On some instinctual level we know this.
That initial burst of energy isn't going to sustain us, so we don't want to just use it on whatever, because then we lose it.
Facing those issues we fear will come up, that we didn't deal with when they were small and more manageable. Not believing we have the strength to deal with those issues or new issues now because they'll be so big and complicated and confusing and embarrassing and ugh.
Maybe it's the uncertainty of not knowing what repercussions or consequences our starting is going to create and whether we can handle them or if we even want to handle them.
Maybe, we're thinking starting right where we are isn't really possible because we need all these other things to make it worthwhile, look good, feel good, be right, be better, work out or not fail.
So we don't start. Instead we sigh and wish and wonder.
What if we started with exactly what we have? What if we made a real and honest list of the resources we do have and then started using those very same resources, in new unconventional ways?
What if... ?
Yeah exactly, what if?
Where does your mind go when you begin saying the words, what if? Do you get inspired by the possibilities? Do you come up with new and novel connections? Or do you go to the opposite end of the spectrum and look at all the things that could go wrong? All the ways won't work and don't help?
Where is the middle ground? Don't both of these 'what if' scenarios need to be inspected? And when inspected what do they look like? What is the very worst that can happen? What is the very best that can happen? And then what really happens?
This last one can't be inspected until after the start. And as long as you or I never start, we never know what really happens. When we start and fail, we know what didn't work. So next time we do something different. When we start and miss our expectations, we know what did work and we can do it more - more effectively first, more efficiently after. We can adjust when needed.
But only if we start.
I can tell you right now exactly what will happen if you never start. Nothing. Oh sure life will continue. Life will change and nothing will be different in relation to that thing you want. You'll still be the same distance away from it, even though it will feel even further. That's how time tricks you. You will still be wishing you had and wondering 'what if'.
So start already. Start right where you are. Decide what you want. Be honest about the resources you have. Start using those resources. Trust what you need will come, once you have a clear and specific desire.
Maybe it starts as a want. What do you want more of, what do you want less of? Then it moves to a wish. You wish you could, you wish you might. Eventually it becomes a desire.
Once it reaches desire, all the stuff that shows up may throw you off course a little, but your desire will keep burning. Not much is going to stop you.
You first have to determine what you want. What you really want and what you really feel about what you want.
Floating along, allowing life to take you where ever it takes you isn't a bad way to live, unless you don't like where life is taking you.
Start now to change the direction of your life. You can do it.
Not sure what you want? Take fifteen or twenty minutes a day for the next 7 days to figure it out.
If you're not even sure how to start figuring it out, sign up for the THRiViNG! Life email series. It will walk you through determining exactly what you desire and help you create the map to get you there. Plus you'll get inspirational quotes, access to interviews of people on the journey who have tips and strategies to help you keep moving forward. Oh did I mention it's also completely free to sign up?
You know you want something different. Start right where you are.
As far as notes on the desk this week: There were none.
That's it for me, what random events, people and opportunities are showing up in your life, that aren't really random at all?