So let's just dive right in.
Random notes found on my desk this week include:
- Aim to get good first. Then aim to get results. (I no longer agree with this statement. I think results are more important because they offer the necessary feedback and help create the momentum necessary to get good.) Still it is written as I found it on my desk.)
- It's inevitable when small shifts begin happening within us regarding money, emotions, health and spirit, these shifts eventually come to affect our relationships.
- Feet of clay. Does anyone have a clue about this and it's mention in the bible?
- You don't want to change what you're doing or how you're doing it, yet you want different results. Crazy!
I'm running again, well more like a slow jog that the dogs think is great because now they don't run out of leash as quickly as when I was just walking.
What does that have to do All That Seems Random, you ask?
Weeellll - it's a little weird, even for me. A little back story. I knew of Louise Hay but I avoided her books. I ended up with one a few weeks ago and started reading it, "You Can Heal Your Life" and I was drawn to her List near the end of the book. I read the List. I nodded my head a few times. Okay a whole lot and thought hmm this makes sense. I wonder how true it is?
Now I know.
The idea that ankles and feet have to do with movement and direction. So the fact that I immediately found the breathing process I need to use to run longer and further distances, had me doing what my body wasn't yet trained or prepared to do. Coupled with the fact that I wasn't listening to my body tell me this and also wasn't paying attention to where I was placing my foot because I was so in awe of the fact that I had almost run a half mile non-stop, a rock from the left side of the road crept onto the pavement from it's gravel bed along the edge of the road and slipped itself under my right foot in exactly the right way to cause a level 1 sprain of my right ankle and cause me to limp the remainder of the way home.
Now it seems as though some part of me doesn't want to easily move forward. That could be with the running or 'the thing I've yet to share with you'. It also seems I'm questioning all my movement and my current direction. Plus, I feel as though I'm moving way too fast and I'm not moving fast enough.
How's that for All That Is Random?
What about you? What random events are happening in your life, that aren't really random at all?