All That Seems Random Friday #5 | Adventures in Going to The Bathroom

Yep this week it seemed random that I had about 10,000 conversations with people about going to the bathroom*. Well fine it was more like 2 and they both led to this weeks All That Seems Random adventures. I'm only going to talk about one of those conversations.

It's the one that had to do with actually finding your ItyBite. I used this on my mom, of all people, and she laughed and got it, so I'm sharing it here to make sure I get it.

Make your next action step as easy and transparent as going to the bathroom.

If that thing you put on your list to do isn't as easy as going to the bathroom, then that thing is NOT your next action step.
If you are straining to do that thing on your list that someone suggested you do, then doing it is NOT your next action.

Okay, it's here that I need to back up just a little. Que the standard movie flashback music.

We were all tiny little babies and we pooped our diapers. A loving parent, grandparent, sibling, friend, heck someone (hopefully) came along and cleaned us up. Slowly as we grew older one of those adults around us decided it was time we were potty trained. They decided it was time for us to become a big girl or big boy and start learning to clean up our own mess. We learned this lesson, some of us kicking and screaming, some of us eager and willing. Either way we learned it and learned it well (Yes I know there are wives, girlfriends & mothers out there who believe they know someone who didn't learn it well. Yes. I. Know.) After we learned how to use the big people potty, we felt pride at being able to do it for ourselves. Our care givers got a kick out of hearing us say, "I can do it by myself." Because really who wants to wipe someone else's ass if they're able to do it themselves.

Now, when we have to go to the bathroom, we don't even think about the how. We just go. It's automatic. We don't have to have a checklist. And we generally only have a question if we're somewhere unfamiliar.

Ah, that is the random part.

The thing is when we've got to go to the bathroom and don't know where it is, we don't hesitate to find someone who looks like they know. We can only do the I gotta go right now shuffle dance for so long.

So I'll say it again, Make your next action step as easy and transparent as going to bathroom.

Then go to the bathroom because who cares how many times you have to stop and ask where a bathroom is, when you gotta go!

The other conversation was about straining and things that help us stop straining. That's another post for another time.

Lest I forget, there were a few random tidbits found on my desk after the cleaning/clearing session
So that's it for me.

What random events have shown up in your life, that aren't really random at all?

*I think it's appropriate that we talk about going to the bathroom, I mean after all this is a place where ItyBites are being taken Every. Single. Day.