All That Seems Random Fridays # 8 | Don't "Buy" Stuff

It appears we might be in the midst of a recession, only appearances can be very deceiving. What looks like loss is really gain, only we have our heads turned the wrong way.

I know, I know, people losing jobs, losing homes, taking their life because of it. So it must be bad. Then all those celebrity deaths in the span of 10 days or so. It just seems so random and pointless and...and....and....

Why did all this happen? What is going to happen next?

Those are easily answerable questions, however it's likely that most people (me included) don't want to hear the easy answer because it contradicts what we believe. Living with a contradiction is one of the hardest things to do and we avoid those contradictions through denial.

Sometimes that keeps us safe, insulated from the pain we can't handle in that moment, however sometimes, that same denial keeps us away from everything we know we want.

So as I was practicing my denial a few nights ago, I ran up on this video.

I love how it completely contradicts the very essence of how we are being guided to come out of the apparent recession. Is denial doing us more harm than good?

I had to quit my job in order to stop practicing certain forms of denial.

Nothing wrong with that, expect it goes against and contradicts the mentality of most of the people around me. If I knew then, what I know now right :) (I'd probably do the same thing but who can ever really say because I can't unknow what I know.)

Still the events of the last 19 months have been so strange, yet just right, that this idea of randomness doesn't make much sense anymore.

It feels like I'm babbling about something that is floating just beneath the surface, that slips away just as I wrap my hands around it. I know what it looks like. I know how it feels and I'd like to show it to you only, I haven't yet grasped it.

Anyway, randomness. I'm reading "Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell. He talks about Three Mile Island and how "five completely unrelated events occurred in sequence" and almost caused a nuclear meltdown, but "each of which, had it happened in isolation, would have caused no more than a hiccup."

I read that passage, re-read it and re-read it again. Our lives work very much the same way. We have all these random events that we don't really pay any attention to because they cause "no more than a hiccup". Coupled with the fact that we are practicing the harmful denial and we miss these little opportunities which could lead us to, well to . . . everything we know we want.

Yeah. Or we don't miss them. It's a choice, a decision.

As is the custom, there are some random tidbits floating around and here they are:

  • Does "behavior" disappear automatically once the lesson is learned?
  • "If the cannibus industry were to expand greatly, it couldn't do so by increasing the number of casual users. It would have to create and maintain more chronic zonkers." Mother Jones July/Aug 2009 "The Patriots Guide to Legalization", pg. 49 (I don't know. This just struck me as important to something that has nothing to do with cannibus.)
  • Thoughts are useless if they are not practiced. ~John Delavera~
  • My pain pales when compared to anothers, yet when I sit beside myself, I see how bright I am truly. ~Rhonda LaShae~
  • Be patient, persistent and excited.
That's my week folks.

What random events have shown up in your life, that aren't really random at all?