All That Seems Random Firdays # 17 | The Finish for a Start for a Finish

Wow, it's Friday again which means it's time for All That Seems Random, where we share how aware (or not) we are of the events, people and opportunities the universe is presenting to us based on our focus and desires. CELEBRATE! them. And more keep showing up. Hide them away and they become hidden from you too.

There is a concept that I believe keeps you, me, us stuck at the idea of starting a project. Just recently, as in over the course of this week, did I gain enough understanding of the concept to only be slightly uncomfortable talking about it.

It's this idea that *sigh*
since it will never be finished anyway,
starting is really just pointless.

It's this false sense and idea of "The Finish". Most movies have 'The End' on them, just before the credits roll and just after the final slow motion scene of triumph and the hero or heroine drives off into the sunset. At least that's how the last one I saw last year ended.

Books have their final page, along with a back cover to tell us it's over, fini. It's easy to tell when laundry is done or the dishes. Okay, those two are never completed because of their mad regenerative skills but we still know when we're at the end of the current generation.

But this big, audacious scary thing that keeps calling you to do it, when is it done?

Can you call it done whenever you've done the work and it feels done? What does 'feel done' feel like? Is there a place or point when your mind releases you and you can step back and view all that you've created. Where you say, Yes! and are pleased with what you have done? According to my minister friend, it's called having faith.

Is finding an intuitively conceived cut-off date going to create the finish you're wanting, so even though it's not carved in stone, you know you're working towards what your intuition says is a finish?

Maybe taking the time to imagine, writing down what you imagine and working towards that as your finish, is the way to go.

Which ever course of action you choose, removing the resistance and clutter from your mental capabilities surrounding whether you'll know when it's finished with you or your finished with it, actually helps you get started.

Once you've removed the 'how will I know when it's done' question, you can begin figuring out your plan and drawing up your map, taking the actions and creating the big, audacious thing so that is everything you want it to be and then some.

Now, does that feel better? Knowing there are ways to figure out the finish, so the fear of not knowing the finish isn't what's stopping you from getting started?

If you're not ready to find the way that works best for you to determine your finish, consider it's not time for you to do your thing yet or you don't need to know if it's ever finished. That's just as okay too.

If you're using the 'how will I know it's finished' as an excuse to NOT to get started and you're feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, stuck or otherwise sighing in resignation, find your 'finish' and then get started.

But maybe, that isn't what's stopping you from getting started?

If you're still trying to figure out where or with what to get started, then look out for an announcement from me on Thursday September 17 at 10 am EST time.

Oh yes, I don't want to forget the notes on my desk:

  • The web is about empowerment, inspiration, motivation, exploration, discussion, exchange and communication. Use multiple platforms to spread your message.
  • What are you motivated by - carrots or sticks? Once you know - carrots or sticks - then find what kind of carrots or sticks.
  • Wishing to wanting to planning to doing to having. ~ Wyatt Woodsmall ~
  • "Having the courage to act alone when you know you're in the right is yet another sign of personal growth." Robert Ringer
  • You don't have to become an Internet Marketer to take some parts of what they do and form them to support your service business.
  • It's better to be loved or hated, than tolerated. Polarization is your greatest ally. - paraphrased from Jay Abraham

That's it for me, what random events, people and opportunities are showing up in your life, that aren't really random at all?

