All That Seems Random Friday #1

I'm thinking this is the start of a new series for Fridays. Things are slowly looking up as far as finding the right sized bite to take AND last nights unofficial success team Idea Party gave my mom some really great ideas for her poem books and she wants to move on them.

So, lots happening, things changing, plus a suggestion about affirmations from Steve Pavlina looks to be a promising addition to the tools.

I encourage you to watch the whole video. The specific part I'm referring to starts around 5:10 into the video. What he says about the process reaching into the subconscious seems to be working for me, as it's slowly bringing about consciously congruent actions. Mine haven't been up a full week yet, but I like the progress thus far.

The other thing I'm finding is all the little random snippets of things written on random pieces of paper that wind up cluttering my desk by the end of the week. Things like:

  • don't let your lizard brain know you want to start a business
  • when feeling vulnerable the brain stops working
  • the clearest, strongest energy always prevails
  • respect doesn't mean I do what you say, it means I listen and hear where you're coming from
  • so when the time comes you are fully nourished before you ever set foot in the place
  • I have not yet provided the value I wish to receive
I'm sure I'll be talking more about some of these as time goes on.

Finally, Simple*ology is still helping me break my goals down into manageable ItyBites and get the work done and it's helping me get exactingly clear on my goals.

I'll be honest, I do the experiment in Lesson 2 pretty regularly. It makes me laugh out loud every time. If you want to find out what I'm talking about, sign up for your own Simple*ology account and see. Or if you're like me and signed up a long, long, long, long, long time ago, but haven't actually done it yet, sign in again and DO IT.

Let's see is there anything else?

Yes!, yes there is. If you like discovering and rating music, I just got turned onto The Sixty One today by Steven Mitchell, whom I met through Plurk, where I haven't been since . . . I'm not even going to embarass myself by telling you.

Okay, that's it for the quiet primere of All That Seems Random Friday #1.

Keep taking those ItyBites.

On Switch or Off Switch

I've been a member of Simple*ology 101 for too many years and counting. This year is the first year I've actually gone through and been doing the lessons. I've made it up to Day 30 as of today.

One of the things you begin doing around day 18 is the Daily Target Praxis which incorporates your three sources of power - Time, Energy & Money into the actions you take on a daily basis. They rotate through each one and today the Energy Praxis showed up.

One of the questions that comes up with the Energy Praxis is what is something you did recently that increased your energy? I thought 'writing' and as soon as I did, the light bulb in the hall blew out.

Now mind you I don't want to connect those two things and even if I did want to connect them, how would I? When I say how I mean in what ways might I connect them if I were going to connect them?

  1. No that didn't actually create energy for you, it in fact made you lose energy. Writing is hard for you. (ooo is that a belief surfacing.)
  2. Yes, it did create energy for you and this light bulb blowing out right at the moment of the thought means writing helped you create enough energy to impact your environment. (scoff if you will)
  3. The light bulb blowing out is really just the fact that the fixture is rated for 75watt bulbs and you keep putting 100watt bulbs in it because that seems to be all you ever have available.
  4. Hmmp, from the light fixtures point of view. Dammit I hate the fact that my twin light on the other end of the hallway has a freakin' energy saving florescent bulb and I keep getting these crappy too high a wattage incandescent light bulbs. Yeah I'm blowing this sucker riiigt aboout NOW.
  5. From the light bulbs point of view, ouch hot too hot ouch too hot ouch too hot hot hot hot hot hot. Aretheyevergoingtoturnmeoff? Hot hot hot hot hot hot. They could turn me off in the daytime. Hot hot hot hot hot awe man I gunnna POP!

Yeah all that if I were actually going to make a connection between my thought about 'writing' and the light bulb blowing out.

Yet what I've realized is that in some ways writing is like a light going out for me. Each and every time I want to write, I find any excuse not to do it.

Ooo, really great thought, "I'll write about..." happens and as soon as it does, my body craves a nap, or some Häagen-Dazs® or any other distraction as far away from writing as possible becomes appealing. Because writing, getting the writing done and sharing the writing somewhere is going to make it hot hot hot ouch, that's too much wattage.

We most certainly don't want to shine a light on these thoughts and we don't want to think about the elephant in the room.

I told you not to think about the elephant.

So the blog is changing. There will still be Ity Bites but they will be my ItyBites, as I tackle this for me, which "light bulb moment", will help my mom and maybe help you too.

You can go to Simple*ology 101 and start your own Daily Target Praxis for free.