The Composition of Hard

Way too many of us, me included, label things as hard.

"It's hard to break bad habits."
"It's hard to start something new."

"I'm having a hard time dealing with ______________. (You filled in the blank didn't you.:)

I've got a theory about hard. Hard is a texture, it's a composition. It's scientifically measurable using Moh's Scale of Mineral Hardness or one of the many other hardness scales.

Hardness is defined as the property of a material that enables it to resist plastic deformation, usually by penetration. However, the term hardness may also refer to resistance to bending, scratching, abrasion or cutting. (Courtesy of

Following this definition, the material we have to work with is our thoughts and actions. It's our thoughts about the actions needed, the new and possibly scary something and our feelings about whatever you said when you filled in the blank. We use our thoughts and actions to resist changing. Our thoughts have to be penetrated by new thoughts.

All of the things we want are composed of steps, processes, knowledge and actions we don't currently have and haven't yet experienced. Yet there are plenty of people who have experienced them.

Children see adults walking. And that child decides she wants to walk. At first there are only small movements forward. Before they can walk, they have to learn to turn over. They then learn to push up on their hands and knees or scoot along on their belly. After learning that skill they continue to add to it, crawling, pulling up on things, taking steps while supported and finally taking those first steps alone. They fall down often and cry for a minute, then they get right back up.

Before long you can't catch them, they're running and giggling and having a glorious time. When just a few months ago, they couldn't even turn over on their own.

Us grown ups, we start thinking about how hard something is and we think it's going to be hard to turn over. We think it will be hard to just scoot along for while. We think we'll never run ...

It's. Not. Hard.

It is a composition of new thoughts, actions and experiences.

We want to use hard as an excuse because we think we should know this already or be able to do that better. Should we?

Should we know how to crawl before we can turn over? Should we know how to run, if we can't yet walk?

I'm guilty of those beliefs. I'm guilty of thinking it's hard. I'm even guilty of wasting time being upset with myself for believing and thinking those things. It's a waste of good energy to keep believing and thinking that way.

We don't have to keep lying on our backs kicking our legs in the air in frustration.

This is a small part of what I learned this past weekend networking and helping at the Niche Affiliate Marketing Seminar. You can experience the same information when you listen to the presentations from the speakers which you can get here.

If you can't yet turn over or crawl, the beginners rooms in the Niche Affiliate Marketing Seminar will get you crawling along. If you can already crawl, the intermediate room will give you the support you need to pull yourself up. If you're already walking, the advance room will get you running, laughing and giggling your way to a sustainable business.

I'll be listening to the Intermediate presentations so next January I'm ready to run.

So what are you ready to do? Are you going to keep calling it hard and lying on your back or are you ready to take the next step from exactly where you are, using exactly what you have right now?

It's time to roll over. You can do this. I'm here to help.

I'll end this with a quote from TUT (Totally Unique Thoughts from The Universe)

The real reason so many have trouble with baby steps, --doing all they can, with what they've got, from where they are, no matter how humble or seemingly futile -- is because they haven't yet grasped that the baby steps trigger unseen forces that throw wide the floodgates of unstoppable momentum, infinite abundance, and eternal life.

Just some tiny steps,
The Universe

 Thoughts become things ... choose the good ones! ®
© ®

Just as an FYI, if you want to attend the next Niche Affiliate Marketing Seminar, sign up before the end of day Monday, August 31st to receive the biggest savings. If you know you can't attend in January, go ahead and get the Niche Affiliate Marketing Seminar Thumb Drive which has all the presentations, questions, training material and bonus material from the last two workshops. I'm positive the price on the thumb drive is going up but right now, just before posting this it was still $97. Use the code on the bottom of the page to get that price.

I hope to see you there and help you here.
Keep taking ItyBites!

Until next time,


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