Make Money Online Mondays*

*This may or may not become a weekly occurring post.

Wow, I know I keep talking about the Niche Affiliate Marketing System Seminar Workshop and it's because I gained so many insights about where I am and what I want to do to get to where I want to be.

I'm going to repeat the last part of that sentence again - what I want to do to get to where I want to be.

You can gain the same sort of insights about your online endeavors too, by attending the next workshop in January 29, 2010 or you can get the physical 2 Gigabyte thumb drive with the presentations, audios and bonuses from both of the workshops that happened this year.

Now about this make money online thing.

Since I've been online, one thing has always been constant. Me floating from one thing to another ... to another ... then another ... and yet another. Yet I've wondered why income was not increasing.

Uh, DUH if I don't do what gives results and keep doing what doesn't give results, what do I results do I expect to get?

It's true, at least I see that it's true for the people I trust who provide services, connect, create and market products online. They provide value. So what am I doing wrong? (It's a rhetorical question.)

That's just it. I'm doing what I was told to do right? And I'm still not making the money online I want to make. So again, what am I doing wrong?

(screeching brakes) STOP! HOLD IT!

That is the wrong question.

The question to ask is What have I done that generated results? The question to ask after answering the first question is, Did I do the thing that generated results again and again and again?

Yeah, well now it's pretty obvious I wasn't because I keep getting no results. And if I'm getting no results, then I must be doing the things that were getting me no results, instead of what did get results.

That part is pretty simple. I still needed to know what actions get me results.

It's just one more reason to connect in person with people you trust, who are successfully doing what you want to do. It will make your learning curve much less bumpy and you'll get unexpected, yet much needed insights.

If you can't attend or aren't ready to attend make sure to find someone you can trust in whatever area you want to make your money online and find ways to connect with them. Most marketers have blogs and email newsletters you can join. Join them, interact. There is no reason you can't do this. Unless of course you don't do it.

It doesn't take money to get started. It takes courage, desire and action. Those things are free.



Take small bites - get filled up.

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